Why we exist

Nendo started from a desire to see a gap fulfilled - insights published about Africans by Africans in Africa. Insights matter on a continent where necessity is the mother of invention.

The idea for Nendo began in late 2013 by Mark Kaigwa. Since then it has evolved with teammates and clients all committed to discovering insights and putting them to work in the marketplace.

We collect, analyse, and publish our thinking in an open journal, our newsletter and community called The Letter N. Across our social media, we give away tips, tricks and nuggets of our wisdom earned from our work with clients and audiences.

From founder to team, a commitment to use business to deliver societal and environmental good has been at the core of Nendo's work and existence. Consequently, Nendo is a member of the United Nations Global Compact.

From the Sustainable Development Goals, Nendo has adopted SDG 9-C and publishes work on a Creative Commons license to increase access to its body of work aimed at achieving this goal.

All Nendo teammates aspire to living out the same set of core values. Whether working in person or remotely, these values govern our culture of practice and performance.


At Nendo, we give our clients an informed opinion on how to win. We define success, chart a course to get there, gather our data and listen to our intuition to deliver our view.

Our strategies aren't birthed in boardrooms, but through a co-creation process with facilitated sessions, data analysis, and consumer/competitor insight.

See case study

Nendo has published historic work that has been covered by media outlets around the world from trend reports to publications on the continent.

Local Media




International Media

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