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Training, Workshops and Professional Development on Social Media in Kenya, East Africa

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Global Relevance, Local Insights

Whether you are self-sponsored or corporate-sponsored, we have training courses for 2018/2019 to transform you and your team.Our focus areas for 2018 are around digital customer experience and digital strategic planning for 2019. Join us for our open-enrollment courses (2-day workshops) in September and November or request a quotation for a customized learning experience for your team.

What do Kenya’s +22 million internet users want? What are they demanding of brands? How can we learn from crises, case studies and customer insights to create compelling customer experiences on digital channels? Join an alumni of over 150 directors, managers and executives from Safaricom, ICEA Lion, Centum,Kimberly-Clark and others for East Africa’s leading digital customer experience workshop.

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How do you align your organisation, audiences, channels and resources for maximum impact in 2019? What have we learnt from social media in East Africa in 2018? Nendo presents a comprehensive 2-day workshop to develop and unpack what shape digital strategy will take in 2019 for Kenya and East Africa. End the year with a plan of action for next year by joining our workshop.

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* Choose one or both of the courses you are interested in
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Looking for more than training?

Discover Nendo’s full offering of services including digital branding, design, development, content and creative services.Learn about our groundbreaking research, insights, data-analyses, strategic planning and digital marketing support.

“I would recommend Nendo (who) do fantastic trainings on social (media) to understand the statistics out there and to use that information to form your strategy and know where you are going to put (marketing & customer experience) spend.”

Wavi Muigai

Customer Experience & Corporate Communications, HELB

"Mark Kaigwa is an excellent speaker. He talks on Internet, social media and tends in Africa and Kenya in an amusing and pleasant way."

Dr. Maria Canudo

Assistant Professor in the Journalism and Communication Program at USIU

"Mark is a great speaker and a wonderful person to work with. He goes the extra mile and his interest and dedication for digital and social innovation show not only in his words, but also in his actions. He showed a great level of ability to support participants."

Laura M'Baye

Project Manager, Reach for Change

"Kaigwa was consistently one of our highest rated speakers at our events and brings an engaging approach and insight to participants.”

Mathew Dawes

Director of All Amber (organisers of the Mobile Web Africa conferences)

“Excellent articulation of marketing issues and overall great delivery of work ideas and concepts.”

Herbert Thuo

Chief Marketing Officer at Virtual City Ltd

Some of our past participants

The Letter N — One of Africa's Most Respected E-Mail Newsletters

Join 1800+ subscribers to The Letter N, and get founder Mark Kaigwa's 'uncommon sense' take on African Internet, online media, technology and marketing. We'll also keep you up-to-date on upcoming events.

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How Data Bundles are Made, Spent and What it all Means.

Download the Insights and Highlights of Technology Facilitated Gender-Based violence 2024 by Nendo and Pollicy.

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