We are more than our tools

We have access to hundreds of millions of online updates on what Africans publish online. We have delivered millions of dollars of value in our research and insights for our clients. We have designed thousands of combinations of artwork, copy, and targeted ads to drive sales for our clients.


If you want to make the most of what research in the digital age has to offer, this is where to be. We've come up with our proprietary approaches to driving value:

Digital A.U.D.I.T

A framework for looking at data, interviewing customers,sizing competitors and delivering quick wins to maximise income, impact, or both from your online presence.

Brand health check

A framework pioneered by Nendo and world-leading brand experts to quantify brand impact in the 2020's using data, qualitative research, and communications expertise.

Digital Landscape Mapping

When deploying resources across Africa, you need a framework of sizing the mobile, digital, and social media opportunity, future growth triggers and existing benchmarks to allocate resources.

Using a range of methodologies,we also deliver:

When deploying resources across Africa, you need a framework of sizing the mobile, digital, and social media opportunity, future growth triggers and existing benchmarks to allocate resources.

  1. Social (Media) Listening Research and Insights
  2. User Experience Research
  3. Focus Group Discussions - In-person or through WhatsApp (new)
  4. Category and Competitor Intelligence
  5. Customer Behavioural Trends
  6. Chat to us about your brief

Marketing & Communications

We're more than a think tank. We're doers. We create immersive and persuasive campaigns and communication material to drive our clients’ goals. We deliver strategies and bring them to life through design, messaging, and targeted advertising.

We've delivered. < link to Case study page> There's little we haven't done including building web pages, designing booklets and marketing posters. We are selective about which clients we partner with and are always looking to do our best work.

See case study


At Nendo, we give our clients an informed opinion on how to win.We define success, chart a course to get there, gather our data and listen to our intuition to deliver our view.

Our strategies aren't birthed in boardrooms, but through a co-creation process with facilitated sessions, data analysis, and consumer/competitor insight.

See case study


One of Nendo's gifts to the world is passing our thoughts,ideas and insights across through learning. Our professional learning and development practice is where we transform leaders and teams from within - by delivering knowledge and helping them apply it in their context. Our course alumni, having put our training to practice, have won awards and recognition that testifies to the effectiveness of our approach.

Nendo will do private talks based on public insights published by the firm, such as The State of Mobile Data and the 2020 Trend Report. These are sought-after ways to get your decision-makers informed, inspired and invoked.

Convinced? You don’t have to take our word for it. Have a look at what our clients have said here.

Got a project? Let's talk

Discover what we do, who we've worked with, the work we've done, the insights you need, and questions we answer. Or simply say hello.

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