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The Challenge

Heifer International planned to launch a new African agriculture technology competition aimed at identifying and supporting young African entrepreneurs who are using technology to reimagine farming and food production across the continent. The core communications objectives included promoting thought leadership and Heifer International’s expertise in the youth and agriculture space in Africa, while in parallel, developing a separate African-owned and led brand that would begin to shift the perception of agriculture as a career of last resort to one that is exciting and profitable.  

Burness worked with Heifer International and other partners including Nendo to develop a brand identity and core communication materials for the competition, including a new website, and video as well as launching the new competition via social and traditional media.

Use Cases

How Nendo Supported Heifer International

Burness started with developing a name and brand identity, working alongside the Heifer International team and Nendo. 

They also developed a detailed digital advertising strategy--that Nendo executed--to reach new audiences and drive engagement online.

Results & Impact

By the time Nendo’s advertising campaigns ended, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Google ads accounted for almost 100,000 visits to the AYuTe Africa Challenge website and brought in more than 20,000 new followers to the AYuTe Africa Challenge Facebook and Twitter channels. 

Overall, the debut and launch of the Africa AYuTe Challenge was a success and helped position Heifer International as an important leader and funder of innovation solutions for African agriculture.

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